November 14, 2017
Out Now: New Funding Opportunities in H2020

The official Horizon 2020 Work Programme for 2018-2020 was released on October 27, 2017.
With this new and final Work Programme, the EU is investing further €30 billion in research and innovation. It provides €1.3 billion of new funding opportunities for the Societal Challenge 2 (SC2) on ‘Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine, maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy’.
A new EIP-AGRI brochure highlights all new calls which are related to agriculture and forestry. The main opportunities can be found in two calls:
  • Sustainable Food Security (SFS)
The call on Sustainable Food Security dedicates €753 million to the challenge of using resources more wisely and feeding people more sustainably. This call focuses on how we can produce healthier and more diverse food from better-managed ecosystems. It seeks to improve resource efficiency and the environmental performance of food systems. It puts a particular emphasis on better understanding the impact of climate change and designing adequate adaptation strategies. The G2P-SOL project is funded under a previous call for SFS back in 2015: Management and sustainable use of genetic resources.
  • Rural Renaissance (RUR)
The Rural Renaissance call offers €263 million to design ways for rural territories to become smarter, greener, more circular and better connected. This call focuses on how to favour generation renewal, greater resilience and public goods delivery through modernised policies. It seeks to make the promises of the digital revolution come true for farmers and rural inhabitants. The call will also invest in new, more innovative and more circular value chains to improve welfare in rural areas.

Download the EIP-AGRI brochure here.
Source: EIP-AGRI Brochure ‘Horizon 2020 - 2018 calls’
The G2P-SOL project (Title: Linking genetic resources, genomes and phenotypes of Solanaceous crops) has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 677379.