Linking genetic resources, genomes and phenotypes of Solanaceous crops
Home >> News and Events >> Final Annual Meeting of the COST Action QUALITY FRUIT 2016 in Porto
October 6, 2016
Tomato and grape under discussion in Portugal
Final Annual Meeting of the COST Action QUALITY FRUIT 2016 in Porto
Since the start of the COST ACTION FA1106 QUALITY FRUIT in 2012, a total of 22 events have been organized so far. Now, the project’s Final Annual Conference is taking place from October 6-8, 2016 at the Faculty of Science at the University of Porto (Portugal).
The conference provides a unique opportunity to mingle and share ideas with scientists involved in cutting-edge fleshy fruit research and to update the community on the new resources and tools becoming available especially those related to the two model fruit: tomato and grape.
The conference is divided into four sessions that will analyze thematic areas like Fruit Development and Ripening, Environment factors determining fruit yield as well as Fleshy Fruit Metabolism and quality and Resources, tools and methodologies for fleshy fruit research.
Many G2P-SOL partners will be engaged in the event starting from the Coordinator, Prof. Giovanni Giuliano (ENEA) with a presentation regarding eggplant genomes: “The eggplant genome reveals key events in Solanaceae evolution”. In addition,Arnaud Bovy (DLO) will hold a speech in session 1 entitled: „Large scale phenotyping of aroma in a tomato core collection”.
After the first two days of presentations, open discussions and management meetings, the third meeting day will be entirely dedicated to a technical visit to Porto vineyard, in which the interested participants will have the possibility to examine firsthand the peculiarities of selected vineyards nearby Porto.
Further information about the event can be found here: